TEHDAS2: Public consultations open


The TEHDAS2 joint action prepares the ground for the harmonised implementation of the secondary use of health data in the European Health Data Space – EHDS.

TEHDAS2 is developing guidelines and technical specifications to enable seamless use of health data across Europe under the upcoming European Health Data Space (EHDS). Each product is released for a 30-day public consultation to ensure that the final outputs meet the needs of citizens, health professionals and regulators.

The first round of public consultations is open, with the release of 4 project outcomes:

  1. Guideline for data holders on data description (prepared by xSHARE consortium partner Sciensano)
  2. Technical specification for Health Data Access Bodies (HDABs) on the national metadata catalogue
  3. Guideline for data users on good application and access practice
  4. Guideline for data users on how to use data in a secure processing environment (SPE)


The deadline is 28th of February, 2025.


Find the link to the consultations at the TEHDAS website: https://tehdas.eu/public-consultations/.