TUESDAY 29 JANUARY | 14.00-15.30
The session will focus on presenting the technical work currently under development within the xShare project, especially the xShare Yellow button implementation and the Yellow button Label.
Session Chairs: Maria Marques, Nenad Zivkocic
- Presenting the Yellow button use cases, Fábio Januário
- Presenting the Yellow button HL7 FHIR Implementation Guide, Fábio Januário
- Yellow Button Architecture and Toolkit, Nenad Zivkovic
- The Greek Adoption site demonstration, Argiris Gkogkidis, George Dafoulas
- the xShare Label Vision, Nathan Carvalho
- How to join xShare? Open Call and the Hub, Robert Stegwee
Organised by Uninova and Gnomon, xShare project.
The EHDS Interoperability Experimentation Lab is a set of interactive sessions to educate and inform stakeholders about current work, initiatives and work related to the developments in support of the EHDS regulation. The Lab intends to trigger the interest of technical personnel, technical decision makers, product owners, academic research, Healthcare Provider CIOs, Chief Medical Information Officers and other executives, programmers and information architects.
The scope of the Lab is to inform stakeholders about current activities, set of specifications, tools and other interoperability artifacts that can promote the adoption of the basic concepts under the EHDS regulation. The EHDS interoperability lab will focus on use cases that will embrace the use of EEHRxF & enforce the implementation of the EHDS regulation. This laboratory will incorporate testing tools to practice with currently available specifications under development, a technical help desk to assist vendors and participants to understand the specifications, hackathons and other hands-on sessions on specific use cases and many more.
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Supported by Xt-EHR, Gravitate Health, IHE Europe, IHE Catalyst, Kereval, xShare, HL7 Hellas