The objective of this survey is to obtain a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of public and population health datasets collected across European member states. Additionally, we aim to assess their potential connection with the European Electronic Health Record Exchange Format (EEHRxF) referred to in the European Health Data Space regulation.
We particularly aim to gain a deeper understanding of the registries where data are continuously collected and to identify priorities and objectives for new public health data collection. We also seek to document existing best practices to support the “only once” strategy, which aims to prevent duplication of data and enhance data quality.
The results of this survey will be used to consolidate use cases associated with the current EEHRxF, consider possible adaptations and identify new critical information domains for public health. We also intend for these results to be reused by other major initiatives, and potentially influence the drafting of the foreseen implementing acts.
We aim to have inputs from all European countries. For each country, datasets already identified by Sciensano are listed, and we thus only request information not yet available. This information can be provided by public bodies responsible for data collection, as well as by clinical organisations or professionals required to supply the data.
If you feel you are not the appropriate person to answer some or all of the questions, we kindly ask you to forward the survey to the most suitable respondent. It is not necessary to answer every question for your responses to be considered valid.
The survey will be open for contributions until September 15, 2024. We will continuously monitor the responses received from each country.
Participate in our survey!